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Terms of Use:

                These instructions are free for your own personal use only and, per copyright law, are not to be sold or redistributed (with or without charge) in any form (redistributing includes photocopies, emailing, posting to Bulletin Boards, posting on another web site, posting to an email list and any other manner of distribution). Instead, you are welcome to post the URL of this page or the pattern page, so that anyone who would like to have these instructions may come here for themselves.

                If you want to make any of these items for sale (in any forum) please email the webmistress, so permission may be obtained from the copyright holder!!

                Patterns listed on this site are designed by various members of the Ididachain Crochet Guild and are posted by the webmistress in good faith. If you notice any errors in the patterns or feel they are exactly like another pattern, please email the information to the webmistress. Thank you!!

Free Pattern List:

Star Stitch 6 square Worsted Wt. Yarn Hook G or H or size for gauge Gauge 4 sts = 1 inch R1. Ch 23, sc in 2nd ch, sc in each ch to end. (22 sc) R2. Ch 3, pull up loop in 2nd and 3rd chains from hook, and in next 2 sc, yarn over and pull the yarn thru all 5 loops on hook, ch 1, *pull up loop in eye of star just made, in same stitch as the previous star and in next 2 sc, yarn over and pull the yarn thru 5 loops on hook, ch 1*. Repeat between *s to end of row. R3. Ch 1, sc in each st to end. (22 sc) Repeat rows 2 & 3 for 5 ½ inches. (End with a sc row.) Do not fasten off. Edging: Note: For top and bottom rows, sc in each sc, on sides sc evenly to next corner. Ch 1, *sc to the corner, 3 sc in corner st, sc to next corner*. Repeat between *s 3 times. 2sc in first corner, sl st to 1st sc. Fasten off.

Dolly Doily Page


This doily has beads on the last round. The directions below do not include beads.

Any size hook and any size yarn/thread can be used for this pattern. Size of the finished doily will depend on the size of the hook and yarn/thread you pick. Have fun experimenting!!

Dolly's Doily

*NOTE* Always join rounds with sl st.

Chain 4, join to form ring.

Round 1: Ch 3, 9 dc in ring, join to top of ch 3.

Round 2: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining, 2 dc in each dc around, join to top of ch 3. (20 dc)

Round 3: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining, 2 dc in each dc around, join to top of ch 3. (40 dc)

Round 4: Ch 5, *tr in next dc, ch 1, repeat from * around, join in 4th ch of beginning ch 5. (40 ch-1 spaces)

Round 5: Ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space, *ch 17, sc in next ch-1 space, repeat from * around, join to first sc. (40 ch-17 loops)

*NOTE* Work around the ch-17 loops for the following round, skipping all sc stitches from Round 5.

Round 6: Ch 1, skip the first chain of the next ch-17 loop, *sc in next 7 chains, 3 sc in next chain, sc in next 7 chains, skip the last chain, (continue skipping the first and last chain of each ch-17 loop), repeat from * around, join to first sc.

Round 7: Ch 1, skip first sc, *sc in back loop of next 7 sc, 3 sc in back loop of next sc, sc in back loop of next 7 sc, skip the last sc, (continue skipping the first and last sc of each ruffle) repeat from * around, join to first sc.

Rounds 8-?? Repeat Round 7 for as many rounds as you want, changing colors as you like.

The Doily Dolly made for Pauline has 10 rounds of sc.

© 2004 Dolly

This pattern is shared with the members of the Ididachain crochet group and visitors to our site. Please use this pattern for personal use ONLY. Do not sale, give away, or re-post this pattern without permission. Thanks.

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