The September meeting of the Ididachain Crochet Guild is Saturday,
September 27th, at the Mt. View Lions Clubhouse on North Pine Street in Anchorage. This is our Day of Crochet! The meeting
will start at 10:00 am and end at 2:00 pm, please bring a dish for the potluck. We will be working on the elongated crochet
shawl which Delma demonstrated. The October meeting will be in Wasilla t the Wasilla Lake Church of the Nazarene Vaughn
Hall on the Palmer Wasilla Highway, from 10:00 am to Noon. Like us on Facebook Groups, check out our website
ididachain.tripod.com and email us at ididachaincgoa@yahoo.com.
forward to seeing you at the meeting and see what you have for Show and
Pauline Hooten Co-Chair and Treasurer 355-3409 cell