Ididachain Crochet Guild Of Alaska

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This year's donation to the Infussion Center was double what we gave in the previous year! Good Job Everyone!!!

Pictures of the donation to the Stork Project at Providence Family Medical Center; they can make use of any baby item donations please feel free to drop donations by for the Stork Project, 36th an Latouch.

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Each year Ididachian chooses a service project where we crochet items to donate to a charity.

2007 Service Project:

This years project was to make-hats, mittens, gloves, scarf's, slippers adult and children sizes to be donated to the Providence Infusion Center for those undergoing Cancer treatment. It was decided that we would make the infusion center our honorary service project every year as a memorial to June Davis, the items to be given in memory of her. The items were gathered at the Oct. meeting and were delivered Dec.12, 2007.( the above slideshow are the pictures) The new Infusion Center/New Cancer Center is located at 3851 Piper Street, Tower U, in Anchorage, Alaska. We were taken for a tour, there's a special room called the boutique, where wigs, hats and scarfs are hung for people to sit in a beautician chair, and try them on. There are also baskets place straightly around the treatment area, where hats, mittens, footies, lap-ghans etc. are set for people to use and take.  The donations were greatly appreciated, we were also told donations are accepted at any time.  They can be brought to the main desk in the Cancer Center through the double glass doors,  just let them know when you drop things off that that the items for the Infusion Center.We were also made aware that the Cancer Center has a new Healing Arts Program, and that they need instructors for crochet and knitting. We have a contact name and number, if you think you might be interested in teaching someone who is under going cancer treatment.  E-mail us at

send me your name and phone number and I will in turn pass on your information so they can contact you.

Also the CGOA site has information pertaining to becoming a teacher of the craft. 

2004 Service Project :

                 Making Lap-ghans or afghans to be made for the pioneer home and the assisted living group at the senior center in the valley.

                When finished they were brought to the group by September because we wish to deliver in October and November.

                Finished Lap-ghans measure 36 in. X 40 in. Some were made with 40 inch long strips and  put together. Any width strips will work. Some people prefer to make squares, 6 inch squares can easily be put together; either as you go or later.

                Enjoy playing with these ideas and have a good time. Our last year's project was similiar and you can check out some of the beautiful lap-ghans that we had.

Our 2003 Service Project was:

                In 2003, our service project was to make lapghans (lap-sized afghans) for the Mary Conrad Center in Anchorage! The Mary Conrad Center is an assisted living center in Anchorage that serves handicapped and senior citizens who need help with their daily living needs. On November 26, 2003, Delma and June took the lapghans our group made to the center. Many of the residents of the center were waiting for them to arrive and eagerly asked if they could take one of the lapghans. It didn't take long before most of the afghans were spoken for. The workers even took some to residents who weren't able to come downstairs! Everyone was very grateful to Ididachain for the many wonderful afghans and to Delma and June for bringing the afghans to the residents.

Please visit our lapghan page to see only some of the great afghans that were donated.


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